Pastor Eckstein is the author of the essay "A Biblical Response to Homosexuality" in this book of essays on various aspects of sexuality from a biblical and Lutheran perspective. To purchase a copy of this book, click on the picture to the left.
"Ethics of Sex is a remarkable book in that it not only contains moral analysis of standard subjects like contraception and marriage, but also it addresses cutting-edge issues such as transgenderism and disorders of sexual development. What is more impressive, however, is the focus of this book—Ethics of Sex is biblically faithful, theologically sound, and above all, Christ-centered. While the authors responsibly draw from fields such as science and psychology, they constantly return to the cross, emphasizing themes such as forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation. Christians across denomination lines will appreciate this book for its winsome style, pastoral tone, and Kingdom focus.
— David W. Jones, PhD, Professor of Christian Ethics, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"While teaching at a Christian university for fourteen years, I continue to be amazed at how student attitudes are impacted by public opinion. Abortion used to trigger the most heated discussions in my classrooms. Now it seems that any critique of LGBTQ lifestyles receives the strongest pushback. Contraception, however, continues to produce the most bewildered looks. I believe Ethics of Sex provides two important elements for moral decision-making: pertinent facts about each issue and biblical ethical standards that ought to guide our conduct. I strongly endorse this book for use in ethics courses at high schools, colleges, and seminaries."
— Rev. Kevin E. Voss, DVM, PhD, FCA, Associate Professor of Philosophy; Director, Concordia Center for Bioethics, Concordia University Wisconsin
Other essay topics include:
- Male and female sex differences
- Marriage
- Polygamy
- Contraception
- Sex education
- Self-pollution
- Transgenderism