The Lutheran Confessions state what Lutheran's believe. The Lutheran Confessions are simply the entire content of The Book of Concord which contains the official teachings of the Lutheran Church. The Book of Concord is a clear explanation of the teaching of Holy Scripture and also a refutation of various false teachings that twist the teaching of Holy Scripture. The Pastors of the "Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod" believe that all the documents of the Book of Concord faithfully set forth the Teaching of Holy Scripture.
This resource explains the history behind the development of the Book of Concord as well as briefly explaining the details of its contents.
This article explains how Holy Scripture is the ONLY authority for Christian teaching and practice and that the Book of Concord is a faithful explanation of Holy Scripture.
These 3 ancient Christian Creeds are a brief summary of what the Holy Scriptures teach about God and His work for lost sinners. These 3 Creeds are accepted by all Christian denominations that hold to the basic teachings of the Christian Faith as revealed in Holy Scripture.
Martin Luther's Small Catechism is a brief book of Christian instruction meant for use by parents whose duty it is to teach the basics of the Christian Faith to their children. This is an excellent resource for a review of the Christian Faith as well as a devotional tool.
In his Large Catechism Martin Luther gives a more thorough treatment of the same teachings found in his Small Catechism. This book is meant for Pastors, but it is also a great resource for the layperson.
This is the initial statement of Faith that the Lutherans offered to the Roman Catholic Church to show that the Lutherans were NOT teaching new doctrines but were simply being faithful to the ancient Christian Faith and thereby correcting the errors that had been added by the Roman Church.
The theologians of the Roman Catholic Church rejected the teaching of the Augsburg Confession. Therefore, the Lutherans responded with a defense of the Augsburg Confession that gives a far more thorough treatment of the teachings contained in the Augsburg Confession.
This document in the Book of Concord was written by Martin Luther and not only addresses many of the false teachings of the Roman Church but also other sects who misunderstood Luther's theological reforms and thereby developed false teachings of their own which needed to be refuted (for example, their denial of infant Baptism or a their rejection of Scripture's teaching that Christ's Body and Blood are given to us in the Lord's Supper).
This document is a brief summary of the contents of the Formula of Concord which was written by theolgians in fellowship with Martin Luther. The Formula addresses many errors added by sects that broke away from the Roman Church but ended up adding many false teachings of their own.
This work gives an even more thorough treatment of the issues addressed in the "Introduction" to the Formula of Concord.
This document deals with the false teachings concerning the power of the Roman Pope and the false claim that the Pope can add new teachings in addition to those given in Holy Scripture.